Married at 19
Unfortunately my professional wedding photos haven’t come
through yet which is so sad but when they do I will probably update this blog
and add some stuff to my Instagram. Anyways I thought I should do a quick
little update on how this whole getting married life went down. So yes I am 19
years old and my husband is 19 years old turning 20. I’ve always wanted to
marry young so it wasn’t a shock to my family however it was a little scary for
my husband’s side. I don’t want to go too into detail, as I will Insha’Allah
make a video and have him say the experience that he had been through versus
mine. We got married and prepared within 10 days. YES 10 DAYS. Everything
including outfit makeup photography family outfits and colour code. Everything
was done in 10 days. Believe we had exams and work within those 10 days. I am
so grateful for my husband, throughout the experience he was my main man and
always kept me smiling and laughing throughout the stress. When I mean stress I
mean I had breakdowns and was crying that it wouldn’t go the way I wanted it
too but he was amazing and calm, which made me more relaxed.
So the ten days of prep was so hard, at the time I worked
everyday from Monday – Friday from 10am till 5pm and I was basically a bride
who was too busy to even do anything for myself. My first bridesmaid was at
Saudi doing Umrah the other was doing A Levels and one lives in Birmingham and
lastly one bridesmaid was just useless. So my man was the biggest help, shout
out to the girls for all looking buff but helpful wise they were shit.
Anyways less chatting shit and more into marriage prep. I bought my outfit from Ilford Lane, I looked all over in Green St and Southall but honestly I found nothing. So three days before my Nikkah I went out with my mum and found the perfect dress. The outfit I had saw online wasn’t as halal but the way I made my lengha was family friendly and I swear it looked beautiful.
Anyways less chatting shit and more into marriage prep. I bought my outfit from Ilford Lane, I looked all over in Green St and Southall but honestly I found nothing. So three days before my Nikkah I went out with my mum and found the perfect dress. The outfit I had saw online wasn’t as halal but the way I made my lengha was family friendly and I swear it looked beautiful.
So lets start from day 1 and having to prepare getting
married in 10 days and why it was 10 days. So after both parents agreeing with
the marriage my mother in law was insisting to get married during the holidays.
Me and my husband were a bit baffed but excited at the same time we wanted to
get married on the 26th for personal reasons but my sister in law
said that she wouldn’t be able to make it (she lives in Newcastle) and her not
coming means my brother wouldn’t be there and my little man (Nephew) so yes
then we decided fuck it lets get married in 10 days time. Which was a challenge. So then everything started from the grooms
side it was actually calm not much that needed to be done but girls side was
just madness. My mum done everything sorted everything and so did one of my
cousin sisters without them I don’t even know what I would have done.
A little advice to anyone who wants to marry young, just
have patience Allah knows best and everything happens for a reason. Don’t go against your parents even if there
is disagreement they will come around as parents want the best for their
children and just want to see them happy.
I apologise if this isn’t in as depth but its just a little
something before we make a video on it
Thanks for reading everyboddddy x
hey Tanya xx I have been lately seeing your blogs and everything and I can not take my eyes of anything that you have posted your such an inspiration to me I just don't have the confidence that you have but inshallah one day I do rise and shine just the way you are hope allah gives you and your husband a wonderful life and inshallah there's more to come for you guys love you guys so much that I cant wait to see what you have on YouTube for all that's out there xx love from faaizah