Married at 19
Unfortunately my professional wedding photos haven’t come through yet which is so sad but when they do I will probably update this blog and add some stuff to my Instagram. Anyways I thought I should do a quick little update on how this whole getting married life went down. So yes I am 19 years old and my husband is 19 years old turning 20. I’ve always wanted to marry young so it wasn’t a shock to my family however it was a little scary for my husband’s side. I don’t want to go too into detail, as I will Insha’Allah make a video and have him say the experience that he had been through versus mine. We got married and prepared within 10 days. YES 10 DAYS. Everything including outfit makeup photography family outfits and colour code. Everything was done in 10 days. Believe we had exams and work within those 10 days. I am so grateful for my husband, throughout the experience he was my main man and always kept me smiling and laughing throughout the stress. When I mean stress I mean ...